7 Advanced Ways to Improve Your E-commerce SEO

Improve E-Commerce SEO

Effective search engine optimization strategies are extremely important in order to convert the existing visitors and generate a higher ROI.

Here are seven ways that will help you to improve your E-commerce SEO and increase existing sales:

1. Use Videos, Testimonials, Images and Create Content of Significant Value on Product Pages

How you employ all of the below-mentioned features into your campaign strategy is pre-requisite to any effective E-commerce marketing. It is essential that:

  • Content must be along with a product image
  • Product information must cover every bit of Product specification
  • A video for product description adds to the whole appeal of a product
  • Client testimonial besides or in video format enhance the product appeal


Impact of Video Presentation

Video for product description can be an effective mode to highlight the important features of a product and can surely enhance the sales. The consumer need not venture in dark to access the information regarding the product. An interactive video alongside the product will only appeal to the interests of the website visitor.

For product images it is necessary to:

  • Upload high-resolution product images
  • A 360-degree view for better understanding
  • Prompt call-to-action to make the purchase
  • Include certificate badges


The above two jazz up the whole appeal. It is your content that will ultimately be the deciding factor. The content has to be crisp, accurate and informative. You can also effectively market the features with client testimonials that can highlight the satisfaction of your previous clients.

2. Make Use of Cohort Analysis Under Google Analytics to Better Understand Conversion Flow

Cohort analysis provided by Google Analytics can be termed up as a study that lets professionals be acquainted with various useful data into the spending of their customers. It is compiled by using actionable metrics which gives precise insight in accordance with a period of time. You can access Google Analytics for cohort analysis by:

Signing into your Google Analytics account. You can log in with your Gmail ID and sign up for Google analytics report

  • Click on the Admin tab and Navigate to your View
  • Select the reporting tab
  • Select Audience and then Cohort Analysis which you can find in the report Navigation


Cohort analysis helps an E-commerce SEO to know about:

  • Who the customers are?
  • What their spending habits are?
  • What are their Expectations?
  • How to retain the customers?


Employ cohort analysis to plan and strategize with data that is both insightful and accurate.

3. Use Responsive Design and Implement AMP Version of Your Product Pages for Faster Load Time

E-commerce websites have to be responsive and should not be time-consuming. A perfectly themed website with appropriate features only appeals to an online user accessing internet on laptops or mobile. When a user logs into their device the amount of time taken to purchase the product should be the bare minimum. AMP and Responsive Design are user-centric and take in online user expectation into account.

What Is AMP and How It Speeds Up Performance?

Accelerated Mobile Pages help create mobile optimized web pages. A web page with once optimized content can load everywhere within an instant. Your official desktop website differs from AMP only in a way that it filters out ads, unnecessary images for the user to be directed to relevant information only.

With AMP has been divided into three actionable parts:

  1. 1. AMP HTML: It is basically a redundant form of HTML along with some extensions to develop rich content
  2. 2. AMP JS: AMP JS ensures that AMP HTML pages are accessed within instant
  3. 3. Google AMP Cache: The cached AMP HTM pages are accessed with this


What Is Responsive Web Design?

The sole aim of Responsive Web design is to develop and design a website that responds to the expectations and environment of a user. Tools like MotoCMS makes it easier for webmasters to create mobile friendly websites on the go. A responsive web design includes:

  • Screen resolution adjustment
  • Image flexibility
  • Customized layout structure for different devices
  • Content priority

4. Improve Your Checkout Page via A/B Testing

A/B testing helps you run a simulation on various components of your website parameters that might enhance the conversion rate for your E-commerce website. What it does is:

  • Create alternative pages for your web page
  • They can be referred to as Version 1 (the original) and version 2 (modified page)
  • Once you have developed and altered the components of your original web page run the test and see if it enhances the conversion rate. You can alter and run the tests for as many altered pages as you like.


How to Conduct A/B Testing?

First, include the visual website optimizer code snippet in your website which is referred to as VWO code. Once you have added VWO code load you’re the website in Visual Editor. You can create changes you desire by a point-and-click interface. It is also possible to make CSS and JS code changes. You can choose the components of which you want to measure the conversion rate. Now, go ahead and run the test which reports in real time by evaluating the response of the visitors. You can see the results in graphical representation along with the exact percentage of conversion rate.

[Read The Full Article From Business.com]

Posted September 12, 2016 by & filed under E-Commerce, News.