How UX Is Being Changed by New Technology

Fortune Brainstorm Design Singapore HUB User experience (UX) has already been established as a battleground for companies to distinguish themselves in the world of digital design. But panelists at the the first day of the Fortune, Time, and Wallpaper* Brainstorm Design conference in Singapore cited new technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and “Internet of Things” devices as trends presenting new opportunities for companies to meet ever-rising customer expectations and adjust...


China Internet Trends 2017

Internet Trends China UX design IOT

Selected by Inc's Magazine as one of the Silicon Valley’s investors you must know, Edith Yeung is the head of 500 Startups Greater China and partner of 500 Mobile Collective Fund. Edith invested in over 40 mobile, VR, AR, AI and machine learning startups, including Hooked - #1 reading app for millennium, DayDayCook - #1 Asian Cooking media and platform, Fleksy (acquired by Pinterest), Human...


Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter Have a Surprising New Threat: Blockchain

block chain news hub iot design Content creation and distribution on the internet have traditionally been done through big corporations. Companies like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are the biggest hubs for people to post and share their works, whether writing, video, picture, or some other form of media.   Other users on these networks then 'like', 'share', or in some other way boost that content for greater attention. The whole process allows users and...


The Rise of the UX Gold Rush

UX IOT hub consulting UX design is one of the most in-demand disciplines but hasn’t always been the hot topic it is today. The term was created in the 90’s when psychologist Don Norman joined Apple. Norman wanted a term that covered all aspects of a person’s interaction with a device: physical, technical, and psychological. Soon, other industry leaders like IBM and Facebook put design-thinking front and center; and as studies began...


Customer experience is not user experience (and why this distinction matters)

Customer experience is not user experience (and why this distinction matters) User experience (UX) is not customer experience (CX). CX spans everything from the perceptions customers build using a company's web store to customer service, product trials and more. How are the two interlinked and how can good UX improve overall CX? Defining user experience bizcommunity-article Customer experience is not user experience (and why this distinction matters) UX is the customer or user’s interaction with a product...


What is UX and How Can it Help My Business?

UX for BusinessUX design is one of those topics you can’t ignore as a marketer because it has deep roots in everything you do for an online brand. It’s something you and everyone in your team must understand, even if you’re not experts in the field. So what exactly is UX and why is it important to every business? This is the question we’ll be answering today so there’s no more confusion about...


Why UX is pivotal to the future of SEO

User Experience SEOSearch engines are advancing at the fastest rate we’ve seen in many years thanks to machine learning. These advances have allowed the search engines to focus on providing the most relevant results, not only in terms of content, but also in terms of user experience (UX). At the end of the day, what is good for the consumer is good for organic search performance — especially if we consider how machine...