Four Digital Retail Problems and the Answer to All

Digital Retail Problems

We are living in the digital age – where online shopping rules and midnight Black Friday purchasing is now being conducted primarily from the couch. But behind the scenes of retailers, combining digital services with existing brick and mortar operations isn’t a walk in the park.

According to Gartner’s 2016 Chief Supply Chain Officer survey, 57 percent of CSOs listed the sales shift from physical stores to online retail as one of the top three threats that will impact their businesses over the next three years. All age groups have issues with online shopping trust – it’s not just a Baby Boomer issue. According to a survey by Accenture, 57 percent of shoppers of all ages are very concerned that their personal information could be stolen during a transaction, while only about a third of people are confident that their favorite retailer is keeping their personal information safe.

Shoppers expect consistent, frictionless and most importantly, secure retail experiences – online, in store and through mobile apps. For retailers to remain competitive in the digital age, they must revolutionize the way they operate to meet these demands and provide a personalized, secure customer experience at every point of interaction – digital or physical.

Retailers face four major challenges as they move to create this omnichannel shopping experience – and digital identity management is the answer to them all.

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Posted February 21, 2017 by & filed under E-Commerce, News.