Walmart vs Amazon vs Delivery Apps, Who Wins the Grocery Wars?

mobile ecommerce staffing Bay Area

The Automated Grocery War Between Walmart, Amazon and Delivery Apps

Amazon is making big strides to compete with Walmart for the grocery market, having purchased Whole Foods for $13.7 billion. This acquisition puts the company in direct competition with Walmart's established online business, currently offering online grocery shopping, delivery (for most), and pickup.  Read More...

Working From Home Makes You Happier and ‘Massively’ More Productive, According to Science

Working From Home Makes You Happier and 'Massively' More Productive, According to Science

Working from home has got a bad rap. Many people seem to think it's a way to avoid hard work by getting out from under management's watchful eyes. Indeed, few pundits seemed to object when Yahoo, IBM, and Aetna rolled back their work-from-home policies. Indeed, working from home seems like heresy if believe in the "collaborative, innovative workplace" idea, or...


Professional Freelancing within the Gig Economy

Discussing the drought of IT skills in today's economy can be an intriguing and alarming conversation. Even with the abundance of post-secondary tech-specialized education programs that are now being offered, along with  the market's awareness increasing for the value that is provided by full-time equivalent specialists (FTEs), the gap is still quite significant. In fact, according to Bloomberg reports, approximately 45% of today's small businesses are unable to find qualified applicants to fill their job vacancies within the technology...


The “Gig” Economy and How it Will Impact the Future Working Landscape

gig economy, digital staffing agency, eCommerce, FinTechMost people typically think of the working economy as employment that is divided between two groups: employed and self-employed. The latter provides more flexibility but does not come with any rights, while the prior establishes an abundance of rights, but limited flexibility. The "gig economy", as it is commonly referred,  examines the latter partition: comprising of the seemingly self-employed and highly flexible type of...


How the IoT Drives Business Productivity

IoT's impact on Business ProductivityThe IoT's Enhancement of Business Productivity and Efficiency

Basically, the IoT sector is comprised of many online sensors that are being entrenched into an increasingly wide range of devices and other digital entities. Examples include in-transit wooden pallets, the HVAC systems of high-rise buildings, and many more. This shift has facilitated the massive generation of reams of crucial data for business analysis to improve their own efficiency. Additionally, production...


Mark Cuban Says This Will Soon Be The Most Sought-After Job Skill

Future Job SkillsWhen Mark Cuban speaks, people listen. The billionaire investor and Shark Tank personality has a slew of wildly successful businesses under his belt. Whether he's commenting on the recent Time Warner and AT&T merger, recommending books for entrepreneurs, or sounding off about the 45th president, the internet hangs on Cuban's every last word. Now his latest prediction about the future of jobs is picking up steam. In a recent interview with...


Where machines could replace humans – and where they can’t (yet)

Artificial IntelligenceAs automation technologies such as machine learning and robotics play an increasingly great role in everyday life, their potential effect on the workplace has, unsurprisingly, become a major focus of research and public concern. The discussion tends toward a Manichean guessing game: which jobs will or won’t be replaced by machines? In fact, as our research has begun to show, the story is more nuanced. While automation will eliminate very few occupations...