Transforming Legacy Applications to Mobile Starts With UX Analysis

ux-ui-design-staffing-bay-area Moving your legacy applications to a smartphone screen can present some design considerations and challenges, especially when it comes to data-intensive applications like inventory management, sales enablement or project workflow. In order to create the foundation for a successful application migration to mobile, user productivity must be the focus throughout your initial analysis and planning. Read More...

Growing Value of Distributed Commerce for E-commerce Businesses


Retail and Ecommerce Boosting Sales with Distributed Commerce

The main idea behind distributed commerce is that it doesn’t scatter shots of products and events in front of a random group of people, but rather targets your marketing efforts to get your merchandise to likely customers and as the concept develops it will incorporate connected devices beyond phones and computers into the mix. Social media sites like Facebook can also...


Big Advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Speech Recognition

Small Steps for Microsoft and Others Will Mean Big Steps for User Experience

ai-chatbot-user-experience In today’s world, information has to be precise and delivered in time to provide the best results. As a result, the common issues with chatbots and their failures is becoming quite cumbersome for consumers as more businesses depend on Artificial Intelligence systems as their front line customer service. To tackle...


Designing for voice differs from traditional UX

designing-for-voice-ux Two words: “all set.” People say them every day — after the waiter delivers food, when finishing a customer service call or before launching a rocket into space. (Or so I imagine.) These two words are just fine in the context of real life, human-to-human interactions. They’re also covered as a feedback loop in traditional UI design, where we can create a button that says “Done” or “Save” and know exactly to which...


How Banks Are Losing Millions by Ignoring UX Design

Mastering-UX-Design-Staffing-for-mobile I wrote this article because of an incident that happened to my friend last week; let's call him Steve. Steve wanted to buy a house by taking a loan at a bank he desired, but, in the end, he used another bank. I thought, it’s just a common thing because the offer by the other bank was better. Surprisingly, my friend denied this, saying the proposals were absolutely identical, which really intrigued...