Privacy and Personalization Can Coexist Through Good Design

ux-design-security-user-experience Consumers are a demanding crowd. They increasingly insist on personalized online services, but they loathe giving up their privacy to get it. Digital Catapult discovered that among more than 4,000 consumers in the U.K., 60 percent were “uncomfortable sharing personal data.” Another 14 percent resisted sharing personal data altogether. The primary fear driving this reluctance? A loss of control over how and with whom their information is...


Designing for voice differs from traditional UX

designing-for-voice-ux Two words: “all set.” People say them every day — after the waiter delivers food, when finishing a customer service call or before launching a rocket into space. (Or so I imagine.) These two words are just fine in the context of real life, human-to-human interactions. They’re also covered as a feedback loop in traditional UI design, where we can create a button that says “Done” or “Save” and know exactly to which...


How Silicon Valley is Changing the Fintech Space

silicon-valley-changing-banking-fintech Known for consumer sweethearts like Apple and Facebook, Northern California is now tackling a less sexy though infinitely important task. Silicon Valley is bringing change to outdated financial systems through advanced financial technology (FinTech). A line of business based on using software to provide financial services, FinTech companies are generally startups founded to disrupt established financial systems that have been slow to embrace online technology. Examples include companies like Square, PayPal and...



What is the Pareto Principle and How Can We Apply it to UI/UX Design Research?

ux-ui-design-staffing-pareto-principle A few years ago I stumbled across an amazing blog post on by Jeff Sauro, and had an epiphany. He had outlined the way he was conducting Pareto Principle-based user research, and I realized that I could modify what he was doing to obtain data that my organization had been struggling to uncover. Read More...

The Next Five Years: How UX Best Practices Will Change And How You Can Keep Up

ux-ui-design-staffing-bay-area Currently, good UX design focuses on obvious navigation, uncluttered content and knowledge of your audience. But as technology advances, so does UX and UI. Below, 10 technology experts from Forbes Technology Council offer their insights on how these current best practices will change in the next few years, and what companies can do to prepare for the shift. Read More...

Product Management and UX Design Guided by Psychology

7 Concepts of Psychology Which Inform Good UX Design

UX-design-psychology-and-product-management Understanding UX design is part science and part psychology. The approach to UX design is broad and usually depends on the education or job history of the person involved in it. Someone in product management will approach UX design differently than a interaction designer, and so forth. But no matter how diverse someone’s background is,...