Professional Freelancing within the Gig Economy

Discussing the drought of IT skills in today's economy can be an intriguing and alarming conversation. Even with the abundance of post-secondary tech-specialized education programs that are now being offered, along with  the market's awareness increasing for the value that is provided by full-time equivalent specialists (FTEs), the gap is still quite significant. In fact, according to Bloomberg reports, approximately 45% of today's small businesses are unable to find qualified applicants to fill their job vacancies within the technology...


The “Gig” Economy and How it Will Impact the Future Working Landscape

gig economy, digital staffing agency, eCommerce, FinTechMost people typically think of the working economy as employment that is divided between two groups: employed and self-employed. The latter provides more flexibility but does not come with any rights, while the prior establishes an abundance of rights, but limited flexibility. The "gig economy", as it is commonly referred,  examines the latter partition: comprising of the seemingly self-employed and highly flexible type of...