Microsoft’s AI writes code by looting other software

Artificial Intelligence CodingArtificial intelligence has taught itself to create its own encryption and produced its own universal 'language'. Now it's writing its own code using similar techniques to humans. A neural network, called DeepCoder, developed by Microsoft and University of Cambridge computer scientists, has learnt how to write programs without a prior knowledge of code. First reported by the New Scientist, the system works by taking lines of code from existing programs and combining...


Deep Dive: Payments

Credit Card Digital PaymentNinety percent of Americans have used a credit card, but far fewer understand the underlying systems enabling their payments. So let’s dive in to see what happens when you swipe your card! Suppose you purchase some carrots from the grocery store. You take out your credit card to complete the purchase, and see a logo with “Visa” on it. That’s the card association. You’d usually see one of the four...


What Small Businesses Need to Do to Win in Online Retail

Digital Retail For Small Companies Any company of any size -- whether it’s one employee working out of her basement or a multi-national company balancing millions in revenue -- must consider how digitization is affecting business as we know it. The question is no longer “When do we innovate?” but rather “How do we innovate?” According to Gartner, in the next five years, U.S. CIOs expect their companies’ digital revenues to grow from 16...


Four Digital Retail Problems and the Answer to All

Digital Retail Problems We are living in the digital age – where online shopping rules and midnight Black Friday purchasing is now being conducted primarily from the couch. But behind the scenes of retailers, combining digital services with existing brick and mortar operations isn’t a walk in the park. According to Gartner’s 2016 Chief Supply Chain Officer survey, 57 percent of CSOs listed the sales shift from physical stores to online retail as one...


Interactive E-commerce and Why It’s the New Future

ux-design-ecommerce-customization Henry Ford famously said that people could order Fords in any color they wanted, as long as it was black. If e-commerce existed more than a century ago, Ford might have been in trouble. In fact, it wasn’t long after auto manufacturing became a major industry that customer demand kicked in, and car makers began offering options. Read More...

Interactive E-commerce and Why It’s the New Future

interactive-ecommerce-tech-digital-staffing-bay-area Henry Ford famously said that people could order Fords in any color they wanted, as long as it was black. If e-commerce existed more than a century ago, Ford might have been in trouble. In fact, it wasn’t long after auto manufacturing became a major industry that customer demand kicked in, and car makers began offering options. Read More...

Growing Value of Distributed Commerce for E-commerce Businesses


Retail and Ecommerce Boosting Sales with Distributed Commerce

The main idea behind distributed commerce is that it doesn’t scatter shots of products and events in front of a random group of people, but rather targets your marketing efforts to get your merchandise to likely customers and as the concept develops it will incorporate connected devices beyond phones and computers into the mix. Social media sites like Facebook can also...


Amazon Plans To Open Another Bookstore


The e-commerce giant’s brick and mortar ambitions grow.

Amazon plans to open a brick and mortar bookstore near Boston, marking just the latest in the e-commerce giant’s effort to build a national bookstore chain. Read More...