Dissecting User Experience

Importance of UI, user experience, digital staffingIn today’s technological world, it may be easy to ignore user experience, particularly when it comes to trivial questions regarding icons, colors, or the position of a button on a screen. However, you should keep in mind that bad user experience can be quite costly, and has the potential to manifest into something much bigger. Read More...

Banking UX Design Challenges and Opportunities in 2017

fintech-financial-technology-digital-staffing User Experience (UX) in banking is about human feelings, impressions and behaviours while using banking digital interfaces. For my UXDA agency the aim of banking UX engineering is to create financial services that matches users’ needs with banking capabilities and are easy and pleasant to use. So, let’s outline some general Do’s and Don’t’s in banking UX for 2017 and reveal how UX can help banks to enhance their customer involvement next...



What is the Pareto Principle and How Can We Apply it to UI/UX Design Research?

ux-ui-design-staffing-pareto-principle A few years ago I stumbled across an amazing blog post on MeasuringUsability.com by Jeff Sauro, and had an epiphany. He had outlined the way he was conducting Pareto Principle-based user research, and I realized that I could modify what he was doing to obtain data that my organization had been struggling to uncover. Read More...

The Next Five Years: How UX Best Practices Will Change And How You Can Keep Up

ux-ui-design-staffing-bay-area Currently, good UX design focuses on obvious navigation, uncluttered content and knowledge of your audience. But as technology advances, so does UX and UI. Below, 10 technology experts from Forbes Technology Council offer their insights on how these current best practices will change in the next few years, and what companies can do to prepare for the shift. Read More...