On May 23, an email landed in the sales inbox of a San Francisco startup called HiQ Labs, politely asking the company to go out of business. HiQ is a “people analytics” firm that creates software tools for corporate human resources departments. Its Skill Mapper graphically represents the credentials and abilities of a workforce; its Keeper...
Silicon Valley Siphons our Data like Oil. But the Deepest Drilling has Just Begun
What if a cold drink cost more on a hot day?
Customers in the UK will soon find out. Recent reports suggest that three of the country’s largest supermarket chains are rolling out surge pricing in select stores. This means that prices will rise and fall over the course of the day in response to demand. Buying lunch at lunchtime will be like ordering an...
The AI Hierarchy of Needs

Internet of things data proving to be a hard thing to use

Despite high hopes for IoT data, most connected device developers and manufacturers are having a tough time using it. Read More...