Interactive E-commerce and Why It’s the New Future

interactive-ecommerce-tech-digital-staffing-bay-area Henry Ford famously said that people could order Fords in any color they wanted, as long as it was black. If e-commerce existed more than a century ago, Ford might have been in trouble. In fact, it wasn’t long after auto manufacturing became a major industry that customer demand kicked in, and car makers began offering options. Read More...

Artificial Intelligence Beats A Path To Ecommerce

ecommerce-artificial-intelligence “There may not be physical employees to speak to and ask questions to, but there are chat robots, or “personal shoppers” that will aid you through the sales process. They’re intuitive, savvy and constantly learning from you,” said Baldwin. “ AI has begun to do what loyalty programs have not. They’re building loyalty by understanding individual customer’s needs , timing, price-elasticity, and channel-preference. Retailers will know what their customers’ needs are even...


Growing Value of Distributed Commerce for E-commerce Businesses


Retail and Ecommerce Boosting Sales with Distributed Commerce

The main idea behind distributed commerce is that it doesn’t scatter shots of products and events in front of a random group of people, but rather targets your marketing efforts to get your merchandise to likely customers and as the concept develops it will incorporate connected devices beyond phones and computers into the mix. Social media sites like Facebook can also...


Amazon Plans To Open Another Bookstore


The e-commerce giant’s brick and mortar ambitions grow.

Amazon plans to open a brick and mortar bookstore near Boston, marking just the latest in the e-commerce giant’s effort to build a national bookstore chain. Read More...

A Guide to Choosing a Payment Gateway

choosing-ecommerce-payment-gateway Fast, secure and ease of payment processes enable a smooth online customer experience – one that is likely to drive retention and customer growth. Payments are essentially the lifeblood of an eCommerce business and the choice of the right payment gateway is critical to the success of your online store. As there are numerous payment gateway options available, this article addresses the key areas to consider when deciding which payment gateway to...