Walmart vs Amazon vs Delivery Apps, Who Wins the Grocery Wars?

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The Automated Grocery War Between Walmart, Amazon and Delivery Apps

Amazon is making big strides to compete with Walmart for the grocery market, having purchased Whole Foods for $13.7 billion. This acquisition puts the company in direct competition with Walmart's established online business, currently offering online grocery shopping, delivery (for most), and pickup.  Read More...

Google Spent Years Studying Effective Bosses. Now They Teach New Managers These 6 Things

google   The transition from individual contributor to manager is not an easy one. In many cases, the skills that got you the promotion will not be the same ones that make you effective as a manager. Luckily, we have organizations like Google that have spent years researching this transition, to help us demystify the secrets to new managers' success. Using Project Oxygen, an internal study that analyzed more than 10,000 manager impressions including performance reviews, surveys, and nominations...


Mark Cuban Says This Will Soon Be The Most Sought-After Job Skill

Future Job SkillsWhen Mark Cuban speaks, people listen. The billionaire investor and Shark Tank personality has a slew of wildly successful businesses under his belt. Whether he's commenting on the recent Time Warner and AT&T merger, recommending books for entrepreneurs, or sounding off about the 45th president, the internet hangs on Cuban's every last word. Now his latest prediction about the future of jobs is picking up steam. In a recent interview with...


Where machines could replace humans – and where they can’t (yet)

Artificial IntelligenceAs automation technologies such as machine learning and robotics play an increasingly great role in everyday life, their potential effect on the workplace has, unsurprisingly, become a major focus of research and public concern. The discussion tends toward a Manichean guessing game: which jobs will or won’t be replaced by machines? In fact, as our research has begun to show, the story is more nuanced. While automation will eliminate very few occupations...


How IoT is making IBM’s Smart Planet smarter

fintech-uk-brexit-opportunity Chris O’Connor, IBM’s General Manager for Internet of Things Offerings, has been involved with connected devices for almost 25 years. As a result, he has a unique view on the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), what it means for the future, and what we can learn from previous generations of technology. Read More...