Google Spent Years Studying Effective Bosses. Now They Teach New Managers These 6 Things

google   The transition from individual contributor to manager is not an easy one. In many cases, the skills that got you the promotion will not be the same ones that make you effective as a manager. Luckily, we have organizations like Google that have spent years researching this transition, to help us demystify the secrets to new managers' success. Using Project Oxygen, an internal study that analyzed more than 10,000 manager impressions including performance reviews, surveys, and nominations...


Where UX/UI Design Staff Meets Product Management: 5 Tips to Avoid Bad Business Relationships

Web Engineering Staffing Must Manage Conflicting Personalities

web-engineering-staffing-product-management Establishing a new process or product is hard work. It becomes even more complicated when there are multiple parties needed to complete the task. With the rise of UX, product managers are now having to look more closely at user experience, how it functions, techniques associated with the domain and other key factors. When UX designers and product managers need to work...


Retail Technology to Utilize IoT Tech Despite Incomplete Outlook

Retail Will Require Competent IoT Staffing to Realize eCommerce and In-Store Sales Potential

internet-of-things-staffing-bay-area The Internet of things (IoT) has become a household name within technology companies and businesses, but now the retail industry is looking to understand its effects and the behavioral patterns of consumers. While plenty of information on IoT for retail remains unknown, utilizing big data to measure the importance of technology...