UX is UI

User Experience is User InterfaceA meme can travel halfway around the world while nuance is putting on its shoes. Ideas bounce around the Twitters, endorsed and adopted wholeheartedly through fear, surprise, or a fanatical dedication to the church of UX. Mobile-first, responsive over m-dot, prototypes over wire frames. These truths we hold to be self-evident. Complex and contextual ideas, reduced to tweetable dogma.   So too the images which attempt to explain User Experience. The...


Mark Cuban Says This Will Soon Be The Most Sought-After Job Skill

Future Job SkillsWhen Mark Cuban speaks, people listen. The billionaire investor and Shark Tank personality has a slew of wildly successful businesses under his belt. Whether he's commenting on the recent Time Warner and AT&T merger, recommending books for entrepreneurs, or sounding off about the 45th president, the internet hangs on Cuban's every last word. Now his latest prediction about the future of jobs is picking up steam. In a recent interview with...


5 Tips for Improving UX in eCommerce

UX Design is Crucial for Mobile eCommerce Success

mobile-ux-design-for-ecommerce Great customer service is the backbone of any brick and mortar business in the Bay Area, but it is also critical to the success of an online company. For example, a digital staffing company in San Francisco, would want to create a user experience that is as enjoyable as if the customer actually visited the store in person, or even slightly better. Today’s consumer...