Facebook is creating an open-source cellular system

The technology is designed to drive down the price of communications infrastructure


Facebook has long been working to reduce the number of people who don’t have access to the internet, and have announced the creation of a new platform called OpenCellular.

The OpenCellular is an open source, “wireless access platform” designed to drive down the cost of setting up cellular networks in places where it has been traditionally difficult to do so. The system is designed to provide the tools to set up a complete network, from the physical equipment to the software that runs it.

Facebook announced that they would be launching the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) earlier this year, with the stated goal of exploring new approaches to setting up data-intensive communications networks, and to “rethink how we deploy existing technologies.”

[Read More from TheVerge.com]

Posted July 6, 2016 by & filed under News.