5 Technologies That You Will Need to Design an Effective IoT Application

IoT Applications Means Fuller Stack for Developers


The Internet of Things is rapidly changing businesses and companies by making them more data driven. It is a concept that has the potential to not only impact how we work but also how we live. The Internet of Things revolves around augmented machine to machine communication; it is built on networks of data gathering sensors and cloud computing. IoT is virtual, mobile and instantaneous. Device data is stored before being sent to customers or used for analysis. However, coming up with solutions so that we can be able to decipher real time data is not an easy task.

Enterprise applications and programs gather time series data that requires analysis and aggregation to be useful. Developing an effective IoT application will require developers taking on a fuller stack beyond what has traditionally been expected.

Device and sensor data normally come in at massive volume and high velocities with several data formats. This, in turn, will require a database which will not only read but also write time series data at a faster rate. With that said, here are five technologies which businesses will require to implement Internet of Things tech into products and allow both the company and users to get something from their data.


Normally, Internet of Things operates on a distributed infrastructure. Several servers are responsible for analyzing, storing and ingesting large data volumes collected from groups of connected devices. Thus IOT applications require computation tools which offer real-time parallel processing for datasets. These computational tools allow the developers to access the streams of data and also be able to run queries on these sets of data. They Include Stark, Impala and Apache Storm.


The database should not only handle continuous reads and writes, but also they must complement the computational applications. The database should be able to provide strong recovery and query capabilities which allow the remaining tools in the stack to function efficiently. The database for an Internet of Things application must be designed to read, write and query data.

Queuing System

IoT applications should be designed in such a manner that they can deal with huge amounts of data generated effectively. The data can be sent either in batches or real time. Analytics and storage normally have a limit on how much data can be handled in real time versus the amount of data that should be handled in the near time. Queuing is exceedingly important when handling high volumes of data. The most popular examples of queuing systems are RabbitMQ and Kafka.

Application Frameworks

Apart from offering simplicity, frameworks such as Spring and Akka play a key role in complexity management. Application frameworks are prevalent in businesses which focus more on high productivity. Akka is ideal for managing failure even if a million activities are taking place concurrently.

Resource Management

As the number of application users grows, the infrastructure is expected to grow as well. If not the applications are going to stop working. Tools such as Mesos gives enterprises a much better understanding of resource usage. With complicated distributed systems, management of resources can prove to be an exceedingly difficult task.


Beyond programming, data handling, resource management and front and back end development IoT demands the emerging “fuller stack developer” possess the ability to work with a growing diversity of devices which will collect, send, and utilize information collected semi-autonomously.

As IoT utilization grows full stack developers will continue to see their stacks grow and new titles are likely to arise to describe the critical team members with functional understanding of a growing number of moving parts which together form an all around functioning application.

Bay Area IoT Staffing Specialists

The first step to building an effective Internet of Things application is seeking the services of a highly experienced Bay Area digital staffing specialist. The specialist will not only address your IOT staffing needs but also your digital staffing, and front end development staffing needs. Call Hub Consulting in San Francisco at 415-361-5234 to find the people you need to develop your IoT applications as well ux and ui design and ecommerce platforms.

Posted August 24, 2016 by & filed under IoT, News.