How Will Trumps Presidency Affect Silicon Valley and Tech Business

Silicon Valley Fintech UX Design Staffing

Policies Expected to Impact Global Trade, Fintech, & Immigration

Trump is set to join a handful of American presidents who have assumed power with a business background making their case for competency. This means that various sectors of the market will most likely be affected by whatever policies the president elect pushes forward, particularly the tech economy and Silicon Valley tech staffing. Read More...

What Artificial Intelligence Can and Can’t Do Right Now

Artificial Intelligence Engineering Staffing Bay Area Many executives ask me what artificial intelligence can do. They want to know how it will disrupt their industry and how they can use it to reinvent their own companies. But lately the media has sometimes painted an unrealistic picture of the powers of AI. (Perhaps soon it will take over the world!) AI is already transforming web search, advertising, e-commerce, finance, logistics,...


Hidden IoT Security Vulnerabilities at Home, the Office and on the Road

Internet of Things Connected Devices Pose Unique Security Risks for Business

IoT-staffing-security-vulnerabilities With the introduction of new machines, the aspect of security among IoT devices has become a growing area of concern, particularly with the formulation of novel ways by cybercriminals to hack into networks. Even though most companies have come up with means of protecting themselves against standard attacks, the Internet of Things has...


5 Technologies That You Will Need to Design an Effective IoT Application

IoT Applications Means Fuller Stack for Developers

full-stack-developer-iot-staffing-bay-area The Internet of Things is rapidly changing businesses and companies by making them more data driven. It is a concept that has the potential to not only impact how we work but also how we live. The Internet of Things revolves around augmented machine to machine communication; it is built on networks of data gathering sensors and cloud...


IoT Strategies Going Vertical

iot-staffing-going-vertical A nearly existential search for meaning and direction is hitting the tech industry and its major players in a way that they’ve never truly experienced before. Why? It’s a combination of factors including market maturity, flattened growth in key categories, and the lack of a clear picture about where things are headed. Read More...

Digital Staffing Needs More Women – Barriers and Networking

From IoT to UX Design, Digital Staffing Needs Some Gender Balance

Tech Jobs Need More Women As the tech industry expands, women are missing out on equal job opportunities for iot staffing, mobile development, ux/ui design work and digital staffing in general. Since women account for nearly 50% of college graduates, why are only 30% of them staffed within the tech industry? More often than not, you’ll find a woman receptionist operating as the...