Bridging The Gap: Mobile Wallet UX And Adoption

Mobile Wallet Adoption UX Design Security by Cody Winton, CEO and Co-founder of Credntia From answering email to checking account balances, today’s consumers use smartphones for everything. But there’s still one aspect of the digital lifestyle which is still lacking a true mobile user experience – digital payments. According to a February 2015 study from Placeable, only one in 10 consumers use a mobile payment option when it’s made available...


What Artificial Intelligence Can and Can’t Do Right Now

Artificial Intelligence Engineering Staffing Bay Area Many executives ask me what artificial intelligence can do. They want to know how it will disrupt their industry and how they can use it to reinvent their own companies. But lately the media has sometimes painted an unrealistic picture of the powers of AI. (Perhaps soon it will take over the world!) AI is already transforming web search, advertising, e-commerce, finance, logistics,...


Interactive E-commerce and Why It’s the New Future

interactive-ecommerce-tech-digital-staffing-bay-area Henry Ford famously said that people could order Fords in any color they wanted, as long as it was black. If e-commerce existed more than a century ago, Ford might have been in trouble. In fact, it wasn’t long after auto manufacturing became a major industry that customer demand kicked in, and car makers began offering options. Read More...

Transforming Legacy Applications to Mobile Starts With UX Analysis

ux-ui-design-staffing-bay-area Moving your legacy applications to a smartphone screen can present some design considerations and challenges, especially when it comes to data-intensive applications like inventory management, sales enablement or project workflow. In order to create the foundation for a successful application migration to mobile, user productivity must be the focus throughout your initial analysis and planning. Read More...

Privacy and Personalization Can Coexist Through Good Design

ux-design-security-user-experience Consumers are a demanding crowd. They increasingly insist on personalized online services, but they loathe giving up their privacy to get it. Digital Catapult discovered that among more than 4,000 consumers in the U.K., 60 percent were “uncomfortable sharing personal data.” Another 14 percent resisted sharing personal data altogether. The primary fear driving this reluctance? A loss of control over how and with whom their information is...


Designing for voice differs from traditional UX

designing-for-voice-ux Two words: “all set.” People say them every day — after the waiter delivers food, when finishing a customer service call or before launching a rocket into space. (Or so I imagine.) These two words are just fine in the context of real life, human-to-human interactions. They’re also covered as a feedback loop in traditional UI design, where we can create a button that says “Done” or “Save” and know exactly to which...


5 Technologies That You Will Need to Design an Effective IoT Application

IoT Applications Means Fuller Stack for Developers

full-stack-developer-iot-staffing-bay-area The Internet of Things is rapidly changing businesses and companies by making them more data driven. It is a concept that has the potential to not only impact how we work but also how we live. The Internet of Things revolves around augmented machine to machine communication; it is built on networks of data gathering sensors and cloud...