Four Digital Retail Problems and the Answer to All

Digital Retail Problems We are living in the digital age – where online shopping rules and midnight Black Friday purchasing is now being conducted primarily from the couch. But behind the scenes of retailers, combining digital services with existing brick and mortar operations isn’t a walk in the park. According to Gartner’s 2016 Chief Supply Chain Officer survey, 57 percent of CSOs listed the sales shift from physical stores to online retail as one...


6 ecommerce categories that will take off in 2017

Ecommerce Categories for 2017 Ecommerce continues to make gains among consumers, with more people buying products online than ever before. Indeed, eMarketer recently predicted that worldwide ecommerce sales would total $1.915 trillion in 2016, with $423.34 billion of that coming from North America. And the company forecast double-digit retail ecommerce growth through 2020. Here are six ecommerce categories that will fuel that growth:

1. Grocery and fresh foods

In its report, eMarketer cites grocery as one...


Report Warns of Small Biz Loan Dangers

Small Biz Loan Dangers If you run a small business, you’re likely seeing a flood of offers for easy-to-get loans–through direct mail, popup adds, even TV ads promising fast money to pay your bills or buy new equipment You’re not alone. Alternative small business lending has exploded in the last few years as a new industry emerged, referred to as “fintech” (for financial technology). “It’s been the wild west,” said Karen Gordon Mills, co-author of...


The top 7 ways to streamline forms and user journeys

hub-ux-design-staffing The user is the focus of any website, but poor UX design can make or break your site and crush conversion rates. A brand’s website is the shop front of any business and first impressions are everything. The user experience design of the site is the deciding factor, as to whether a user stays on the site to look around, or jumps away to find something better. Read More...

Interactive E-commerce and Why It’s the New Future

ux-design-ecommerce-customization Henry Ford famously said that people could order Fords in any color they wanted, as long as it was black. If e-commerce existed more than a century ago, Ford might have been in trouble. In fact, it wasn’t long after auto manufacturing became a major industry that customer demand kicked in, and car makers began offering options. Read More...